Thursday, January 20, 2011

sunshine for 3 days straight.. seriously?!

classes started on monday and unfortunately they require a lot of reading, whereas at HPU, you simply listen to the lecture and you're golden. but on the brighter side of things, my chemistry class doesn't start for another 4 weeks so no classes on wednesdays or fridays until then! i feel as though i should get some traveling in while i can! any suggestions on where to go first??

monday after my first day of classes, kristen and i went along with some of the boys on our corridor and witnessed our first bar crawl on campus. Lancaster University has 9 bars! we played pool, but their version is a bit different- the table is smaller, the balls are smaller, and the balls aren't striped or numbered- there's a set of yellow balls and a set of red balls. simple as that. and as the title of this post claims, it has been sunny for 3 days straight! something that i was definitely not expecting. the students around here tend to think it's warm when the sun is out, so our bar crawl was summer themed. and the boys all wore bathing suits! to end our night, we watched the lion king, and the guys were all singing along and reciting bits of the movie. they sure are a funny bunch.

wednesday night we kept the tradition of HPU's infamous "going out" night. why not celebrate hump day when you're halfway through the week? we showed the english people how to play several american drinking games. although i wouldn't exactly call all of them american since our australian friend knew "flippy cup" and beer pong. one thing that they don't sell over here though- red solo cups!  i think it would be safe to call it a successful night nonetheless :)

now off to do some more reading. i feel like i'm in academic challenge all over again!

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